sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Robert E. Howard Days 2014.

Pues un año más se celebrarán las Robert Ervin Howard Days en la ciudad de Cross Plains, en la Casa Museo del autor texano y en los alrededores donde pasó gran parte de su vida. Concretamente será los días 13 y 14 de Junio.

Vista de la casa museo de Robert E. Howard.

Todas las actividades, charlas y exposiciones son, como todos los años, gratuitas pero quien tenga la fortuna de poder acudir y quiera participar en las cenas del viernes y el sábado debe de ingresar 15$ por anticipado.

Entre los invitados de este año destaca el ilustrador Tom Gianni que ha realizado cuatro portadas para antologías de los relatos de R.E.H., Fists of Iron, (vol 1 y vol 2), Pirate Adventures y Western Tales.

Portada de Tom Gianni.

El programa de las actividades ahora mismo se plantea tal y como sigue:


8:30 – 9 am: Coffee and donuts at the Pavilion, compliments of Project Pride
9 am – 4 pm: Robert E. Howard House Museum open to the public
9 am – 4 pm: REH Postal Cancellation at Cross Plains Post Office
9 am – 11 am: Bus Tour of Cross Plains & Surrounding Areas
10 am – 5 pm: Cross Plains Public Library open
11:00: PANEL: In the Guise of Fiction. Panelists Jeff Shanks and Al Harron discuss REH’s “early” history writings.
Noon: Lunch hosted by Project Pride. Donations welcome.
10:00 am to 4 pm: Pavilion available for REH items Swap Meet
1:30 pm: PANEL: Patrice Louinet, Guest of Honor. Patrice will be interviewed by Rusty Burke.
2:30 pm: PANEL: Presentation of the REH Foundation 2013 Awards. Hosted by Rusty Burke and Bill Cavalier.
5:30 – 6:30: Silent Auction items available for viewing & bidding at Banquet site
6:30: Robert E. Howard Celebration Banquet & Silent Auction at the Cross Plains Community Center.
9:00 pm PANEL: Fists at the Ice House (behind the Texas Taxidermy building on Main St.) Panelists: Mark Finn, Jeff Shanks, Chris Gruber, Patrice Louinet.

Afterward there will be some extemporaneous REH Poetry Reading at the Pavilion.

9 am – 4 pm: Robert E. Howard House Museum open to the public.
9 am – 4 pm: BARBARIAN FESTIVAL at Treadway Park, 3 blocks west of REH House
10 am – 3 pm: Cross Plains Public Library open
10:30 am PANEL: The Legend Continues. Panelists James Reasoner and Dave Hardy will discuss REH’s more “contemporary” history writing.
10:00 a.m. to 4 pm: Pavilion available for REH items Swap Meet
Lunch & Barbarian Festival Activities at your leisure during the day
2:00 pm PANEL: Fists of Iron. A discussion of Howard’s history with boxing by Mark Finn, Chris Gruber and Patrice Louinet with an appearance by REHF Press cover artist Tom Gianni
3:30 pm PANEL: The REH History Wrap-Up (at the Pavilion) with Rusty Burke, Patrice Louinet, Jeff Shanks.
5 pm: Sunset BBQ at the Caddo Peak Ranch

PLEASE NOTE: The Robert E. Howard House Museum will be open again this year on Thursday June 12th from 2-4 pm. No docents on duty but the Gift Shop is open.

Para mayor información visitad la web REHupa.
¡Si alguien tiene la dicha de poder acudir que no duda en comunicárnoslo y escribir alguna reseña por Crom!

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