Pues un año más se celebrarán las
Robert Ervin Howard Days en la ciudad de Cross Plains, en la Casa Museo del autor texano y en los alrededores donde pasó gran parte de su vida. Concretamente será los días 13 y 14 de Junio.
Vista de la casa museo de Robert E. Howard. |
Todas las actividades, charlas y exposiciones son, como todos los años, gratuitas pero quien tenga la fortuna de poder acudir y quiera participar en las cenas del viernes y el sábado debe de ingresar 15$ por anticipado.
Entre los invitados de este año destaca el ilustrador
Tom Gianni que ha realizado cuatro portadas para antologías de los relatos de R.E.H.,
Fists of Iron, (vol 1 y vol 2),
Pirate Adventures y
Western Tales.
Portada de Tom Gianni. |
El programa de las actividades ahora mismo se plantea tal y como sigue:
8:30 – 9 am: Coffee and donuts at the Pavilion, compliments of Project Pride
9 am – 4 pm: Robert E. Howard House Museum open to the public
9 am – 4 pm: REH Postal Cancellation at Cross Plains Post Office
9 am – 11 am: Bus Tour of Cross Plains & Surrounding Areas
10 am – 5 pm: Cross Plains Public Library open
11:00: PANEL: In the Guise of Fiction. Panelists Jeff Shanks and Al Harron discuss REH’s “early” history writings.
Noon: Lunch hosted by Project Pride. Donations welcome.
10:00 am to 4 pm: Pavilion available for REH items Swap Meet
1:30 pm: PANEL: Patrice Louinet, Guest of Honor. Patrice will be interviewed by Rusty Burke.
2:30 pm: PANEL: Presentation of the REH Foundation 2013 Awards. Hosted by Rusty Burke and Bill Cavalier.
5:30 – 6:30: Silent Auction items available for viewing & bidding at Banquet site
6:30: Robert E. Howard Celebration Banquet & Silent Auction at the Cross Plains Community Center.
9:00 pm PANEL: Fists at the Ice House (behind the Texas Taxidermy building on Main St.) Panelists: Mark Finn, Jeff Shanks, Chris Gruber, Patrice Louinet.
Afterward there will be some extemporaneous REH Poetry Reading at the Pavilion.
9 am – 4 pm: Robert E. Howard House Museum open to the public.
9 am – 4 pm: BARBARIAN FESTIVAL at Treadway Park, 3 blocks west of REH House
10 am – 3 pm: Cross Plains Public Library open
10:30 am PANEL: The Legend Continues. Panelists James Reasoner and Dave Hardy will discuss REH’s more “contemporary” history writing.
10:00 a.m. to 4 pm: Pavilion available for REH items Swap Meet
Lunch & Barbarian Festival Activities at your leisure during the day
2:00 pm PANEL: Fists of Iron. A discussion of Howard’s history with boxing by Mark Finn, Chris Gruber and Patrice Louinet with an appearance by REHF Press cover artist Tom Gianni
3:30 pm PANEL: The REH History Wrap-Up (at the Pavilion) with Rusty Burke, Patrice Louinet, Jeff Shanks.
5 pm: Sunset BBQ at the Caddo Peak Ranch
PLEASE NOTE: The Robert E. Howard House Museum will be open again this year on Thursday June 12th from 2-4 pm. No docents on duty but the Gift Shop is open.
Para mayor información visitad la web
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